Leader Development ROI:  Ensuring sufficient reach across the organization

Empowering Adaptive Organizations

Leader Development ROI:  Ensuring sufficient reach across the organization

Richard Lynch, Co-Founder


In our first article in this series on Leader Development ROI, we highlighted the first set of impactful interventions based on McKinsey’s research findings from surveys with over 500 executives.  Focus on the behavior that really matters, highlighted the need to provide context to translate strategy into required leadership qualities and capabilities. A leadership system that is Capability-based requires leaders who can operate their segment, operationalize new strategies and transform operations seamlessly.


McKinsey’s second set of interventions address “ensuring sufficient reach across the organization.”  


What’s at stake?


Your organization’s business objectives and the retention of your top talent. The McKinsey study found that when organizations do pursue recommended interventions and include leaders at all levels, they are 6-7 times more likely to succeed in their business objectives.  LinkedIn Learning also reports 94 percent of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their learning and development.


What’s standing in the way?


Most leadership development programs are typically of short duration, most are sporadic and piecemeal making it difficult for programs to keep up with changing organization priorities. Furthermore, they do not develop a critical mass of leaders who are ready to pursue priorities.   


What does the solution look like?  



The authors point out that while technology can enable faster, more flexible large scale learning on digital platforms, leadership development needs to be tailored to what matters most in organizations: aligned strategy execution. And that takes just about everyone in the organization.


Take for example, a company that is trying to create strategy in response to a disruption to their highly coveted customer interaction methods. A digital disruption.  Top leadership has recognized that strategy is the work of leaders at all levels. Working with HR and the Chief Learning Officer, they adopt and adapt a common framework for building adaptive leaders.


In their reimagined leadership development model, all leaders including project leaders and subject matter experts, access courses and tools to set Vision and Mission, cascade Goals, align Strategies to Key Results and assess and build Capabilities required to address the disruption.  Coaches and facilitators lead teams, learning in the context of their organization’s position and vision context.  The Results include a competitive digital strategy, a more unified leadership team, and more capable leaders.


Contact us to explore our new solution: A Framework for Adaptive Organizations.