Category: Leadership Learning

Empowering Adaptive Organizations

Design for the transfer of learning

By Richard Lynch, Co-Founder . In our second “interventions” post, Ensuring sufficient reach across the organization we discussed McKinsey’s findings that when organizations target leadership development across the organization and include leaders at all levels, they are 6-7 times more likely to succeed in their business objectives. . A related intervention for better Leader Development ROI is the subject of this post: …

Leader Development ROI:  Ensuring sufficient reach across the organization

Richard Lynch, Co-Founder . In our first article in this series on Leader Development ROI, we highlighted the first set of impactful interventions based on McKinsey’s research findings from surveys with over 500 executives.  Focus on the behavior that really matters, highlighted the need to provide context to translate strategy into required leadership qualities and capabilities. A leadership system that is Capability-based requires leaders …

New Business Models Require Adaptive Leaders

Richard Lynch, Co-Founder . Operationalize, operate, and transform all with equal ease. That is the role of leaders. For decades, organizations have suffered from inability to operationalize and transform even as they have continuously improved their ability to operate efficiently. We find it telling that Forbes magazine and The Center for Creative Leadership do not …